Launch into Star Wars
This is an opportunity to wear a mask if you’re a superhero.
Or become a storm trooper from a space movie with a white helmet.
Don the black costume of your favourite intergalactic baddie and even buy the helmet to totally scare everyone!
Getting into character gives you so many options – from when you find the right color of mask, helmet or costume, to perfecting the character voice so it’s eerily real!
Becoming your favorite character
When you start taking on characters and their voices, it can be a little daunting and wearing a few accessories can help you feel more at ease.
It’s good to know that everyone feels a bit nervous at first so throwing yourself into the fun and enjoying the game is great for your confidence.
Don’t forget to try out the voices you think your character would use to speak!
This is where a voice changer helmet comes in to play.
You can play around with your voice in real time, hear what it sounds like and discover what your voice can really do.
But, there’s one big question.
What else can you do with a voice changer helmet? You can be that character, right?
What if you want to be another character tomorrow? The thing about voice changer helmets is that you can only be that one character.
This can limit your creativity a little. And could make you feel a bit bored after a while. That’s where the latest voice changing software flies in to save the day!

What's better than a voice changer helmet?
There’s a simple answer to the question: what’s cooler than a voice changer helmet?
A real time voice changer app!
Transform your voice into sounding like limitless characters and new voices at the touch of a button.
Change completely into that character you love without having to spend lots of cash on costumes or a voice changer helmet.
If you’re looking for something a tad more sophisticated, then this is a sign you’re ready for a real time voice changer app.
Take the controls and perfect your character’s voice.
Choose from endless options and great settings or advanced features to deliver all you need.

Awesome real time voice changer software
Search online and you’ll quickly discover that if you want a voice changer, there’s a ton of options.
Maybe there are differences with each voice changer – sound, price, ads, microphone use, your account, the device or PC you use….
It can all be a touch overwhelming!
But do not fear… is here to help you.
And it’s beyond easy to download, set up and use.
Ditch the voice changer helmet with Voice Changer is a voice changer that’s free to use across all of your favorite apps and games, such as Zoom, Among Us, Minecraft and League of Legends.
Plus you have the added bonus of hilarious voices to entertain your friends. Simply follow these tips and try out your new voice today: And you can access a whole new world of custom AI voices completely free. Give away the voice changer helmet. You don’t need it anymore!
Get free access to a universe of UGC voices
Not only can you play around with your voice in real time, but with there’s a brilliant selection of unique voices awaiting you.
Welcome to the Voice Universe
With literally 1000s of voices created and uploaded by users every day, you’ll listen in surprise to the coolest range of character voices, from toys to movies and TV.
Voice Universe is a huge library of user generated voices constantly updated by users.
Just waiting for you to begin.
Take a look today and try out the most awesome character voices around!
Check out the free voice changer
Our users know how easy the voice changer is to play with.
And they know it’s free for everyone.
It’s the best voice changer app right now.
The voice changer gives you exactly what you’re looking for.
Create any voice you like at any time.
Dive into your imagination. Your new voice is just around the corner.